Should I Get Bangs or Not: Pros and Cons of Bang Hairstyles

Brunette med length bang hairstyle with layers

“Bangs can Transform Your Look Very Easily and Take it From Bland to Bam”

“Check out these pros and cons for bangs to help you decide if they’re right for you.”

Bangs are renowned for either giving you the last puzzle piece to a great hairstyle, or a massive hairstyle mistake that you want to take back as soon as you see what you’ve done!

If you don’t want to get caught out, find out if bangs are the look for you by weighing up these pros and cons.

Pro: Bangs Add Glam!

Red hairstyle side swept bangsBangs can transform your look very easily and take it from bland to bam- instantly. Full, blunt cut bangs will perk up a straight haired look, or a side swept fringe can add a chic touch to an updo.

Regardless of the style, if a glamorous look is what you want, then definitely consider bangs.”

Con: The Maintenance Factor

Med length blonde bob hairstyle with side swept bangsCertain bangs require work, especially for those with textured hair. You may have to straighten your bangs, or pump them full of styling wax to keep them in place just to re-create the right finish every day. ,

If you don’t think you’ll be able to do such tasks, then bangs may not be for you.

Pro: Bangs are Feature Focusing

Long hairstyle pulled to the side with full bangs.Have you got great eyes? Use an eye-skimming fringe to bring the focus to them. If your cheekbones are your greatest feature then use side-swept bangs to draw attention to them.

Bangs are great for putting focus on what you love about your face, so use them to your advantage.

Con: Bangs Can Make You Look Younger

Brunette med length bang hairstyle with layersWhile this may actually be a pro for some, bangs can actually make you look younger (think pre-teen) if you’re not careful. Blunt bangs that cover wrinkle-prone areas, such as your forehead, and eye-skimming fringes that can help hide wrinkly eye lids are the biggest culprits.

If you don’t want to look like a 12 year old, we say steer clear.

So what’s your verdict? Have you decided if bangs are the way to go, or have you ruled out ever having bangs once and for all? If you’re still unsure about if they’re right for you, find a banged look with our virtual hairstyler and try it on your own photo. Seeing yourself with bangs might just be the push that you need to decide either way!

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